
Video Squadron: Gamerman Vs. Medievalger Part 3

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Over at the arcade, Iness and Leo told everyone some bad news.

Benny: Lord Wiz? You're kidding us?!

Iness: I'm afraid not.

Charisa: Lord Wiz is still alive?

Kasumi: And he's working with Gigalord now? This is really bad.

Leo: Those cocoons we saw the demon spiders with had Lord Wiz and his henchmen inside of them.

Vix: If Gigalord and this Lord Fizz....

Iness: Wiz.

Vix: Wiz are working together, there's no telling what they can do.

Vince: We first must focus on defeating those demon spiders. Then we can take care of Lord Wiz together.

Jack was looking over the footage that he had played earlier of the vision he found. In the footage, Jeremy began to get a bit staticy.

Jack: Hang on, there is something going on in this footage.

Headbot: What is it, Master Jack?

Jack: I think that this footage may have some truth in it.

Jeremy: Well the part about me is definitely not true. I can tell you that.

Jack: I think that the footage is showing that someone else did what Jeremy is shown to be doing.

Gavin: So this could mean that someone else is guilty of Iness and Leo's father's death. But who?

Jack: Give me a bit of time to figure this out.

Up at the villain's base...

Lord Wiz: That monster I had sent down was one that a citizen had asked me to make. During one of my monster battles, a monster caused someone's house to fall to pieces. I told that citizen that it was the Medievalgers who made the house crumble. He asked me to make a monster to get them back. I was planning on using this monster to destroy both the Demon Queen and the Medievalgers, but I saw that the Demon Queen took the red gem away. Making me powerless.

Gigalord: Dr. Squeak is now trying to locate where those demon spiders are so that you will be able to strike a deal with them.

Dr. Squeak: I've just figured out where the demon spiders are. They are located in a cave within the forest outside of Brooklyn. We can take you down there to meet with them if you wish.

John: Why don't you do it, Dad?

Lord Wiz: Of course I will do it, son. Let's go.

The ship hovered above the forest where the demon spiders had their hideout and Lord Wiz and his henchmen were sent down along with Darktail and Ninjakuma. The demon spiders were making their plans on how they were going to conquer Brooklyn when Lord Wiz stepped in.

Lord Wiz: Guess who's back!

Head Spider: It's you again. Going to attempt to destroy us like the Medievalgers did with our mother?

Lord Wiz: No, no. You've got it all wrong. I've come to strike a deal with you.

Head Spider: A deal with us? After we trapped you and your buddies in cocoons?

Rack: Boss, they have a good point.

Jascal: I had to wait six months before I could move my arms and legs again, and you're still willing to team up with these guys?

Lord Wiz: I'll handle this. Demon Spiders, I am working along with Gigalord in freeing the virus queen, Queen Vira. She wants to rule Cyberspace and Earth.

Ninjakuma: Well actually, she just wants Earth to be eliminated because the people of Earth are helping Cyberspace in stopping her soldiers. Once we have Earth out of the way...

Darktail: Then we will be free to conquer Cyberspace as well.

Lord Wiz: If you join us in defeating the Medievalgers and Gamermen, then you can each rule a cyber site in Cyberspace. What do you say?

Head Spider: Hold on a moment.

The Head Spider then huddled with her siblings.

Head Spider: I have a plan. We'll work with this guy, then after we've helped to destroy Earth, we'll destroy them and take Cyberspace four ourselves. Agreed?

The others agreed. Then turned back to Lord Wiz.

Head Spider: You have a deal, Lord Wiz.

Lord Wiz: Excellent.

Darktail: I didn't think it would be that easy, though.

Over at the arcade, Vix was getting a reading.

Vix: Darktail and Ninjakuma are in the forest. Along with two dobermen, a rat, and a weasel.

Benny: Sounds like Lord Wiz to me.

Gail: But what about the demon spiders?

Vix: The demon spiders are also there. You must all hurry to the forest quickly. Jack will continue to figure out who was really responsible for Leo and Iness' father's death.

Randy: Right. Let's go, everyone.

So both teams then left while Vix, Jack, and Headbot stayed at the arcade. They soon made it to the woods.

Gavin: Alright, Lord Wiz.

Randy: Show yourself right now.

Then. Lord Wiz and the demon spiders did show up.

Lord Wiz: Looking for us?

Charisa: So you and those spider demons are working together now, huh?

Lord Wiz: Certainly are. Now, spiders. Lend me your power.

The spiders then released a gas onto Lord Wiz, which made him grow giant.

Lord Wiz: Muahahahaha.

Gavin: We'll handle this.

Main Six Medievalgers: Medieval Powers Unleash! (They transform) Iness, Leo, help the Gamermen defeat the demon spiders.

Iness: OK, Gavin.

Iness: Medieval Powers Unleash! (Transforms into Medieval Princess)

Leo: Leo Knight Power! (Transforms into Leo Knight)

The Gamermen then transformed as well and they began to battle the demon spiders. Medieval Robo and Drago Golgo then faced against Lord Wiz.

Lord Wiz: This is going to be so much fun.

Lord Wiz used his staff against Medieval Robo and Drago Golgo.

Medievalgers: Whoa.

Gavin: Keep it together, team. We must get Lord Wiz defeated for good.

Vince: Dragon tail whip.

Drago Golgo then whipped Lord Wiz with its tail.

Lord Wiz: Oh!

The Gamermen along with Iness and Leo fought hard against the demon spiders.

Head Spider: Do you fools get it, you don't stand a chance against us. (Spits a web out)

Leo: Leo Knight Sword. (Shields himself with the sword and knocks the webbing back) Take this!

Head Spider: Oh, you are good.

Randy: Let's try using the Gamernator.

The Gamernator then showed up and the Gamermen aimed it at the demon spiders and blasted them.

William: I think that's done it.

But the demon spiders were still standing.

Ash: Oh no it didn't. They're still standing.

Felicia: That can't be possible, though.

Lord Wiz was still battling against Medieval Robo and Drago Golgo.

Gavin: Lord Wiz is even more powerful then ever before.

Benny: It's because of that power that the demon spiders had lend him.

Then down on the ground, the Gamermen got a message.

Jack's Voice: Gamermen, Medievalgers, we have figured out the culprit responsible for causing the lion's dad to die.

Randy: You have? Who is it?

Vix: The culprit is the very doberman you're battling now.

Iness: What? So it was Lord Wiz?

Lord Wiz then heard this as well.

Lord Wiz: Uh oh. No matter. I'll still beat y-(Gets hit by Medieval Robo and falls to the ground)

Gavin: So you are the culprit?

Benny: And you put the blame on Jeremy? How dare you.

Head Spider: Look at him. How pathetic this guy is. I think we'll be taking back our powers now.

Lord Wiz: What? No, wait-

But it was too late as the energy that the demon spiders put into Lord Wiz was sucked out and he returned to normal.

Head Spider: We won't be needing you anymore. Now to show them our power.

The demon spiders then merged together to create a giant spider monster.

Benny: Whoa. Look at that thing.

Charisa: That is ugly.

Down on the ground, Iness and Leo encountered Lord Wiz as his henchmen were regrouping together.

Iness: So, it was you all along, Lord Wiz.

Leo: Our father's death was your fault.

Lord Wiz: Your father was an obstacle that got in my way of finding that great power. I did not think I would ever need to deal with his children.

Iness: Well you do now.

Then suddenly, all the fairy companions appeared and started shooting energy and Lord Wiz and his men.

Lord Wiz: Wait, what's going on?

The Gamermen were surprised as well.

Felicia: What are those fairies doing to him?

Leo: I think what they are doing is giving him the ultimate punishment.

Rack: Uh, guys. My body is changing to stone.

Jascal: Mine too.

John: Stone? But how?

Lord Wiz: Mark my word, I will come back one day. And I will destroy you all.....

The stone transformation was then finished, then a portal opened up and sucked the statues within, then closed up.

Ash: They're gone.

Felicia: But where did they go?

Iness: The fairies must have sent them to another dimension.

Leo: One that must kept them from ever being a threat to Earth again.

Then, Jeremy's suit powered down.

Jeremy: Well, that has taken care of them. You guys better help out the Medievalgers, it looks like that spider thing will destroy them if you don't do anything soon.

Randy: We got it. Let's go. Gamer Master.

Gamer Master was then formed and joined in the battle against the demon spider monster.

Iness: Mega Princess Powers (Grows into Mega Princess form)!

Leo: Medieval Hippogriff!

Soon, all five mechs were standing together.

Randy: It looks to me that we will need to use all our strength to destroy this freak. Let's shoot all our power at it.

Gavin: Right. Medieval Robo final strike!

Medieval Robo: (Performs it's finishing attack at the demon spider monster)

Vince: Dragon fire!

Drago Golgo: (Breaths fire at the demon spider monster)

Iness: Mega Princess Finish!

Leo: Medieval Hippogriff Finish!

(Both did their finishing attacks at the demon spider monster)

Randy: Gamer Master sword finisher!

Gamer Master: (Slashes the sword at the demon spider monster)

Demon Spider Monster: AAAAH! It's all over! The Demon Queen's conquest of taking over Earth, all ruined (Falls down and explodes)!

Gavin: Alright!

Randy: We've won!

Jeremy: Yes!

Darktail and Ninjakuma saw the defeat happen.

Darktail: I think this is our cue to go.

Ninjakuma: Yeah. I agree there.

They then both vanish away. Over in England, the citizen that Lord Wiz mentioned earlier looked at his destroyed house and found some evidence.

Possum Citizen: Hey, hold on a minute. This claw, this came from the monster.

Then, some constables grabbed him by the shoulder.

Possum Citizen: Uh oh.

Dog Constable: I'm afraid you have to be taken in for questioning (handcuffs the possum).

Possum: But sirs....

Dog Constable: Quiet! You're under arrest.

Over at the arcade, the Gamermen and the Medievalgers were celebrating their victory.

Iness: I can't believe that after all this time, it was Lord Wiz that caused our father to die.

Leo: And we blamed it on the Gamermen.

Randy: It wasn't your fault.

Ash: It was that monster that made you see a false vision.

William: And we're all cool now.

Vince: Well, it was great fighting with all of your once again. But now I feel that it is my time to go.

Gail: Any chance we'll see you again, Vince?

Vince: Perhaps there will be a time I shall return. We never know if Lord Wiz is actually gone. We weren't so sure he was gone for good last time.

Gavin: But if we do ever see him again, we'll find a way to defeat him. That is what heroes do.

The fairies then made the time portal all set up and Vince went over to it.

Vince: Goodbye, my friends. Until we meet again.

Everyone waved as Vince stepped into the portal, and then it vanished away.

William: So now that we've gotten that villain of yours taken care of, why don't you stay a while and play some games?

Benny: I think I could stay for a bit.

Wallace: Me, too.

Randy: Let me show you a game that may surprise you.

Randy lead everyone to the Gamerman game.

Gavin: What is this?

Randy: It's Gamerman, the game.

Charisa: There's a game based on the Gamermen?

Jack: It was actually a training session so I could look for recruits to become the Gamermen.

Headbot: Randy's been playing it since Master Jack had it made years ago.

Randy: It's a childhood classic. Would you like to play against me, Gavin?

Gavin: You're on. :D

So Randy and Gavin got the game set. First both red rangers played the game, then both blue rangers, then both yellow rangers, then both black rangers, then William and Gail played a game. Even though William was white and Gail was pink. But of their core five members, they were the only ones left. As they were playing, Jake and Justin had come in.

Jake: You guys won't believe what we saw. We found another team of heroes that looked like knights.

Justin: I wonder who they could have been?

Benny: Who are these guys?

Randy: Jake and Justin. They go to our school.

Jake: And we're searching for ways to discover the identities of the Gamermen.

Justin: But now, we can discover who this other team is, too.

Charisa: Well, sorry to say this. But that other team has already left. They are not here in Brooklyn anymore.

Jake & Justin: They're not?

Gavin: That's right. They're not. And you better give them their space to do their hero duties.

Jake: Well, we've still got the Gamermen to fight.

Justin: That is if they're still around.

Randy: I'm pretty sure they are. That other team just thought they'd come by and help out for one day.

Kasumi: But they went home now.

Jake: Oh well.

And the two of them left.

Wallace: Who do those dudes think they are?

William: Trust us. We deal with them all the time.

After a day at the arcade, the Medievalgers were already to leave.

Gail: That sure was fun.

Wallace: You're real lucky to have an uncle that owns an arcade, Randy.

Benny: And it must be an honor to be the nephew of the creator of such a cool game.

Randy: It certainly is. So, what are you all going to be doing now?

Gavin: Well, we're thinking of traveling through this country to visit a number of places.

Charisa: Yeah. One of the places we plan on going to is a game show with belly dancers. I wrote a letter to them once and they even had it read out. It was great to see.

Benny: And last year, another hero we encountered was on that show, too. So hopefully we can be on that show as well.

Kasumi: Well, maybe we'll see you on TV. What is this show called?

Wallace: It's called Harem Dare'Em.

Kasumi: Ah. Got it.

Felicia: We'll be sure to watch it when we get the chance.

Ash: And maybe we'll even see you there.

Gavin: That will be cool. Thanks, guys.

And the Medievalgers went on their way. Down in the basement, Jeremy was working on a new power up.

Jeremy: That team of medieval heroes sounds like the good inspiration for this new power up. Shame they won't be here after tomorrow since they have other places to go.

Meanwhile, in another dimension, the statue that Lord Wiz and his henchmen turned into had landed. Despite not being able to move, Lord Wiz could still think.

Lord Wiz: When this seal is broken, I shall exterminate those Medievalgers with an even greater power that I shall find within this dimension! You haven't heard to last of me, Medievalgers! You haven't! (Echos)

The End?
Here is the third and final part of Gamerman Vs. Medievalger.

Cast of Characters:
Randy Wolfang/Gamer Red (A Wolf)
William Houndsworth/Gamer White (A Dog)
Kasumi Kittenata/Gamer Blue (A Cat)
Ash Hawkeye/Gamer Black (A Falcon)
Felicia Filly/Gamer Yellow (A Horse)
Jeremy Kitlinger/Gamer Silver (A Fox)
Gavin Zell/Medieval Red (A Gazelle)
Benny Hopper/Medieval Blue (A Rabbit)
Wallace Honeybun/Medieval Black (A Badger)
Charisa Cheetha/Medieval Yellow (A Cheetah)
Gail Penson/Medieval Pink (A Peahen)
Sir Vince/Medieval Gold (A Human)
Princess Iness/Medieval Princess (A Lioness)
Prince Leo/Leo Knight (A Lion)
Vix (A Robot Fox)
Jack Lupeson (A Wolf)
Headbot (A Robot)
Gigalord (A Robot)
Dr. Morty Squeak (A Mouse)
Darktail (A Coyote)
Ninjakuma (A Gray Fox)
Queen Vira (A Cyborg)
Jake (A Dog)
Justin (A Monkey)
Lord Wiz (A Rottweiler)
John Wiz (A Rottweiler)
Rack (A Rat)
Jascal (A Weasel)
Demon Spiders

1. The Medievalgers mention that they're on their way in the hopes of appearing in TUFFAgentShepherd's Harem Dare'Em series. He even mentioned that he had plans on having them appear, which is what I was hoping for considering this ending scene of them.
2. Lord Wiz vows to return when he finds a way out of his seal and obtain a new magic power in the new dimension he and his henchmen were banished to. This could possibly foreshadow Fantasy Squadron: Medievalger Returns. If this is the case, this will make Lord Wiz the first villain in a returns special to be returning from the original series instead of having a new villain take over.
© 2018 - 2024 Eli-J-Brony
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dandice1222's avatar
Overall for this special 5/5

Well Lord Wiz, that's what you get for killing Iness' and Leo's parents, see you again in Medievalger Returns (or maybe Comicger vs. Medievalger).

I will see Vince again.

Also, I can't wait for upcoming Comicger vs. Medievalger and Comicger vs. Gamerman.

Hopefully for Jeremy he will remove the time limit of his Changer.